Signs You Need An AC Duct Repair

Dec 16, 2022

Signs You Need An AC Duct Repair

The air quality in your home directly results from the state of your air ducts. Air ducts are critical HVAC components that are frequently overlooked. Aside from air quality issues, duct problems can result in significant air loss. Paul's Air F/X can provide air duct repair promptly and effectively.

Signs of Poor Air Quality

The signs of AC Duct Repair sometimes need to be clarified. Here are some of the characters you should be looking for in case of an air quality issue.

Issues with Home Temperature

The drastic temperature difference is one of the most common causes of AC-related health problems or physical discomfort. Significant temperature differences from the outdoor air to the indoor air cause discomfort. The temperature changes have various causes, including a malfunction in the HVAC units. Air ducts not improving indoor air quality for heating and cooling your home ultimately cause venting issues. Because not enough conditioned air reaches every room, there could be an air leak in the air ducts. An air leak causes uneven heating and cooling. There could be several reasons for a leak.

Debris could have accumulated in ducts, obstruct airflow, or there could be a tear or crack. A vent could be closed or blocked, negatively affecting air condition systems. Heating systems can also be affected by short or insufficient return vents.

Poor Air Flow

Working in tandem with various HVAC systems, air ducts can become prone to air pollution. Though most HVAC are energy efficient, frequently opened air vents collect irritants and affect air quality. Poor airflow means that there is less air reaching your vents. Home Homeownersld be aware of broken or crushed ducts. Issues with vents can restrict air flow along with debris or other obstructions. Inadequately designed duct work with short return vents can also prevent air recirculation.

For older homes, HVAC installations that are 10-15 years old need to be updated. The HVAC unit and air duct gaps have lead dust inside. The HVAC system can’t filter irritants from the air efficiently due to the holes. Units that must cycle on and off more frequently run for extended periods and heat the space. Improper maintenance will cost you money and may not provide you with the desired comfort level. A replacement will most likely save you money and time in the long run.

Noisy Air Ducts

Strange sounds are another massive indicator that an object may be in the way of quality airflow is a possibility that one or more of your air conditioning or heating vents are closed or blocked. Furniture pushed up against a vent after a thorough cleaning session can cause the system to malfunction. The increased pressure can result in unexpected noises, so your vents must be open and uncovered to keep things quiet and run smoothly. Old air filters also cause noisy air ducts because dust and debris are trapped in the filter. Over time, the filters are less effective and can even become clogged if you aren’t regularly changing them.

Other causes of noisy air ducts include disjointed ducts and electrical control problems. Disjointed vents caused by shifts in duct placement can cause electrical issues later. Constant clicking could indicate a problem with the electrical control via the thermostat. A system relay failure is also possible. Anytime you hear a sound from your air ducts, contact us at Paul's Air F/X.

Moldy Smells & Dusty Vents

Air ducts circulate and purify the air in the home by working in tandem with heating and cooling systems. Unfortunately, because most air ducts are hidden, they can become clogged with dirt, mold, soot, and other toxins and pollutants.  When your HVAC unit is turned on, this dirt is recirculated back into the house, causing various respiratory illnesses. Air conditioners house grime and mildew if not properly cared for. If you notice your home smells musky, this is a sign that your air ducts are defective and need replacing. Strange odors can affect your health and jeopardize the high efficiency of your HVAC system.

Fungi, mold, and pest contamination are possible causes for any unknown scents in your home. Damaged vents with holes and gaps provide shelter for various pestilence and pests. As soon as you notice a terrible odor or scent in your home, contact a professional to inspect the ventilation system and stop heating and cooling its air until the problem is resolved.

Contact Paul's Air F/X!

Paul's Air F/X can help you with your residential, commercial, or industrial air duct repair services! Our air duct repair and replacement experts are trained with the experience, tools, and know-how to provide quick repairs and replacement services. Whether renovating an old house or building a new one, Paul's Air F/X can help you design the ideal heating and cooling system.

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